Roleplay Log Cleaner

The log cleaner takes raw log files (presumably captured by your favorite MU* client) and strips out junk such as pages, channels, OOC chatter, coming/going messages, and various other soft- and hard-coded command spam. It also adds blank lines as necessary so everything is spaced out nicely.

Note! Keep copies of your original/raw log files until you have verified that the log has been formatted correctly and no data was lost.

Clean a Log

Select a Log Format:

Select a Log File:

Wikidot Combat Formatting

If you're using the FS3 Combat Wiki format for Wikidot, you can either add a ".fs3combat" class to your wiki CSS, or add the following code at the beginning of the log:

[[module CSS]]
.fs3combat {
margin: 5%;
color: gray;
font-style: italic;

Tweak the CSS to format combat messages as you like them.