
A world on the back four elephants, standing on a turtle swimming through space. In the city known as the drain of the Discworld, the Big Wahoonie, your story begins... or ends.

Set in Ankh-Morpork, this is a place where belief is real, where barbarian heroes drink alongside wizards, where witches use headology to fight their battles, and where you are welcome to write your own story. We know that the biggest fear of playing on this game is letting Terry Pratchett's writing down but in the words of the patrician, Vetinari, "We play and are played and the best we can hope for is to do it with style."

In our universe, down the trousers of time from Terry’s, you can be a Lord or a Lady, a thief or a wizard, a troll or a dwarf. You can play political games, spend time in the Mended Drum, or brawl in the Shades. Be part of a Guild, or be unguilded - this is a world where any story can be told. Be a politician or a beggar.


This game has closed.

A partial archive of the web portal is available in the archive.



Down Ankh-Morpork last checked in with AresCentral on 2020-01-18 23:00:22 -0500

Game Info

Category: Fantasy


Game Website:


@KING Raynne
@Monster Hyn
@Tone Jud Senja

Past Handle Characters

@Jinshei Bertie Billy Granny Granny Lizzy
@Junipersky Madilyn Scrappy
@LBHeuschkel Andrew Danilo Nuggan